Bulwer Bridge
Built in 1878, it was about 200m long and 5m wide. The flooring was corrugated iron overlaid with pulverised ironstone. The Bridge is still in use today.
Total Views: 3669 Daily Views: 0Built in 1878, it was about 200m long and 5m wide. The flooring was corrugated iron overlaid with pulverised ironstone. The Bridge is still in use today.
Total Views: 3669 Daily Views: 0On the 15th November 1899 Winston Churchill, a war correspondent for the Morning Post persuaded his friend Capt Haldane to let him accompany him on an armoured train on a reconnaissance along the rail line between Estcourt and Colenso. The…
Burial site of soldiers of the 5th Irish Brigade, killed in Battle of Colenso. The Irish Brigade had been detailed to cross the Thukela River well up stream of the town and the Doornkopspruit and to swing right to roll…
15 December1899 Gen Sir Redvers Buller’s first attempt to cross the Thukela River and relieve Ladysmith met with disaster at the Battle of Colenso. Memorials and graves moved to this site, which was Gen. Buller’s headquarters during the battle. Several…
15th December 1899 In the early stages of the Battle of Colenso, Co.l Long advanced his gun battery to this position where they came under devastating rifle fire from Boers position along the river bank. The Battery fought on, suffering…
The building housing the museum is the Toll House which was erected in 1879 in the town of Colenso. The first man to occupy this quaint little building was W.R. Steward, the toll keeper. It was later converted into a…
Site of No 4 Stationary Hospital. Burial place of Field Marshal Lord Roberts’s son Lt. Freddie Roberts. Turn off R103 between Colenso and Estcourt and follow dirt road past railway station to cemetery.
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