Newcastle Town Hall
The Town Hall was completed in July 1899 just in time to be occupied by the Boer Forces at the start of the Anglo Boer War in October 1899.
Total Views: 2404 Daily Views: 0The Town Hall was completed in July 1899 just in time to be occupied by the Boer Forces at the start of the Anglo Boer War in October 1899.
Total Views: 2404 Daily Views: 0Built in 1903 this rather unique temple looks almost miniature, yet it is reputed to have the largest cella dome of its kind in the southern hemisphere. The cella being the chief apartment of the temple where the statues of…
Completed in 1905 “His Majesty’s Goal, Newcastle”, was at the time considered “the most up-to-date institution” of its kind in the Colony of Natal. The building reflected the neo-classical style of the Edwardian times. The original jail keeper’s house can…
This typical colonial Victorian house in Lennoxton was the family home Mac Maharaj, who was a founder member of the Anti-Apartheid Movememnt, a prisoner on Robben Island with Nelson Mandela from 1965 1976, a prominent member of the ANC and…
The Carnegie Gallery can be found in the Municipal Gardens across the walkway from the municipal offices between Scott and Murchison Streets. The Gallery keeps a collection of local art works and encourages traditional Zulu arts and crafts.
Rider Haggard’s Hilldrop House built in 1875, is situated on an estate known as Roy Point and was purchased in 1879 by Sir Rider Haggard, author of King Solomon’s Mines, and his friend Arthur Cochrane for the purpose of ostrich…
The Newcastle Tourism Information Office is situated in the old Town Hall on Scott Street.