Observation Hill Leicestershire Regt Monument

Observation Hill Leicestershire Regt Monument

25L |

“A long ridge where the rifle fire hardly ever ceased. Held by 3 Companies of the Kings Royal Rifles and the 5th Dragoons dismounted, it looks over the long valley of Bell’s Spruit. Close in front is one of the two farms called Hyde’s, and there the Boers found shelter at night and out of the rain. The farm’s orchard and its stone walls, the rocks, and all points of cover swarm with Boer sharpshooters, and whenever our men show themselves upon the ridge the bullets fly.”

This position was attacked on the 6th January 1900 by the Pretoria Kommando as a diversionary attack during the battle of Wagon Hill. This position was named Rooi Fort after the Red Fort fortifications in the Crimea.

2nd Lt John Norwood VC

On Monday the 30th October 1899, Norwood went out in charge of a small patrol. They came under such heavy fire when only 600 yards away from the enemy. The fled at full speed. Norwood galloped back through the heavy fire to pick up a fallen trooper whom he carried to safety on his back.

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